I’m going to start of this book review by pointing out how amazing Khaled Hosseini’s writing is. He definitely paints a picture. I’ve never been to Afghanistan and I never so much as looked at a picture of an Afghan village but he managed to transport me to a rustic village Shadbagh, and then a progressive village Shadbagh-e-nau. Not just the places or setting, he captures the emotions of characters so well, you will definitely feel them yourself.
This particular story has so many characters, and all along while reading the book my mind kept thinking how are these characters going to connect to the two main subjects of the story: Pari and Abdullah. (The suspense, anticipation, excitement is real!)
(Trying not to give out any spoilers) Brother-sister stories almost always get me, but I never pictured that an ending could be so heart warming and heart breaking at the same time.
If you’re trying to build a reading habit, or looking for a casual read, this is a great book to go for!
Happy reading! 🙂