John Green’s writing is always so soothing, relaxing and still gets to you every time. I’ve read his other three works: Paper towns, Looking for Alaska and The Fault in our Stars, and absolutely loved all three of them, so maybe I had high hopes on this one. It definitely isn’t as emotionally attachable of a book as his previous ones, nonetheless it’s a pretty decent read.
The story revolves around the female protagonist who is struggling with anxiety/OCD and the author focuses a lot on what goes on her mind, which is good ’cause especially in places like India, people don’t recognize anxiety and don’t really realize how it effects the smallest most basic tasks of a person. So this book is probably a subtle eye-opener for those who are unaware of mental health issues. The author did a pretty good job of detailing the protagonist’s anxieties and compulsions, especially that little voice inside your head that is almost always racing, overthinking, doubting.
In my opinion, the best thing about John Green is he treats teenagers like they should be, like young adults. He gives each of his characters some pretty awesome core values, stresses in a very cool way that they are people with opinions, with future dreams, people ready to take up responsibility, and not just someone who lives in a superficial world, or always stuck on their phone.
One thing I was pretty eager to know was why is the book called “Turtles All The Way Down”, and I didn’t come across it until 60/70% of the book. 😛
Overall, the plot of the story is very subtle, it just goes. It’s definitely not a book I’d go back to, wouldn’t be my first choice for recommendations, but didn’t regret reading it either.
Happy reading. 🙂