Heard about this book once the Netflix movie came out and got to know that its a 2008 Booker prize winner. So definitely had to read the book before I watched the movie. (Does anyone else have this habit? Let me know in the comments below.)
The story revolves around the ever existing discrimination based on caste and class in Indian society. Parts of the story and gruesome description of discrimination did leave me horrified but deep down I knew that it’s true and prevalent in most areas of India. The story-telling is raw and unapologetic. It’s fast-paced and pretty engaging.
The author’s writing style (for at least this particular book) is more informative than artistic or poetic, and I felt that made it more realistic.
This book did get a lot of outrage and a few reviews said that it portrayed only the negative side of India. It’s true India has an uncountable bit of positives but this entertaining story is simply not about them. It’s fiction and should just be enjoyed.
That being said, this book made me realize that I barely read any Indian authors, so let me know if you’ve got any Indian author recommendations!
Happy reading. 🙂